Can't believe it has been almost two years since I have posted on here. A lot has happened.
1. I graduated from Utah State University with a 3.88 GPA (Dec 2010)
2. I completed an internship in DC workign in the office of Senator Orrin G Hatch, working defense, energy, and land use issues. I also did your normal intern stuff, mailing letters, worked on reports, attended hearings, gave tours of the capitol, etc. (Jan- Apr 2011)
3. I worked over the summer in the cutting department at Guardian Industries in my hometown of upper Sandusky, OH making wind shields. (May-August 2011)
4. I started graduate school at TX A&M (Gig' em!) at the Bush School of Government and Public Service, working on a Maters in public Administration. I am concntrating in Energy and Security policy as well as emergency managemnet, in the Public management track. I finised my first year with a 3.75 GPA. (Aug 2011- May 2010)
5. I am currently back in DC working as a Staff Assistant (GS-7) at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. I work in the Office of Public Engagement, with the Intergovernmental Affairs staff. I work on various projects, mainly the UPIL program (unauthorized practice of immigration law) but have also worked on organizing the inaugural stakeholder symposium, emailing interested stakeholders, making name tags, etc. I have also been working on updating the IGA website, compiling daily and weekly reports, attending meetings, etc.
Well, that should catch you up with where life has taken me. While at Texas A&M, I have attended over 40 sporting events ranging from basketball (mens and womens), football(home and away), baseball, softball, and tennis. This season I plan to make it to some volleyball and soccer matches and hope to eclipse the 75 games attended mark. I may even try to make it to a Rangers, Texans, Cowboys, Rockets, and Astros game. I like to see different stadiums and teams i normally wouldn't see.
I also plan to make it to two road games for football this season, at LA Tech, and at SMU.
Well I should log off of here. I have some cleaning to do and need to run some errands.
God bless! and Gig' Em!